Imperial Museum of Brazil – Petropolis (RJ)

View from the garden to the Museum.

The former summer place in the middle of Petropolis – RJ was buit in the mid-1800’s. Displays include the Brazilian Imperial Crown and Imperial Carriage. The museum is an hour’s drive from Rio de Janeiro’s city center and is one Brazil’s most popular museum with an average of 300.000 per year.

The Palace

Built between 1845-1862 to be a summer residence, the palace is considered the origin of the city named for the emperor and his father, Pedro I. Brazil’s first emperor had been charmed by the region in 1822, not long before he proclaimed Brazil independent. In 1830, he bought the farm where the palace was built.

The palace was designed by German engineer and Brazilian Army Major Júlio Frederico Koeler and followed through by architects Joaquim Cândido Guilhobel and José Maria Jacinto Rebelo after his death. Some of the outstanding features of the neoclassical building are the vestibule floor in Carrara marble and black marble from Belgium, floors and door frames made of noble woods such as jacaranda and rosewood.

The gardens were designed by Jean Baptiste Binot, under the emperor’s personal guidance, with native plants, some of them rare.

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