Mount Roraima


Mount Roraima, one of the oldest mountain formations on Earth, a natural border between Venezuela, Brazil and Guyana in South America. It is also called Roraima Tepui or Cerro Roraima.

This site is about unconventional traveling ideas, a place where people can find unworldly landscapes and a new way of seeing things. And this definitely one of them.

Long before the European conquistadors took over these lands, Mount Roraima was considered a symbol of these regions, an “axis mundi”, an enormous tree within which all the vegetables and fruits of the world grow. This mountain, surrounded by 400 meter (1,300 ft) tall cliffs was a place of mystery, myths and legends for the indigenous people that used to live here centuries ago. The first recorded person to climb this tepuy was Sir Everard im Thurn in 1884.

The top of the tepuy consists of quartzite (hard) and sandstones (softer when weathered), they appear black due to added organic matter (moss, fungi) over millions of years. Erosion on the top has created ponds and pols with crystal clear and crystal rain water, there are some areas with pink sands, which gives it a truly other world landscape feeling.

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